
If I Stay

For several days she'd been searching for the book. She'd been all over town, to every bookstore and library, but with no luck. None had the one she had wanted for so long, and finally the day came. Finally the day came when she could hold the book in her hand.. and open it.

Well, it wasn't all that dramatic. I've read this book for some time ago, and lately I've been thinking about reading it again. I made me cry several times between 209 pages. I think it's one of my favourite books so far, it is lovely and I recommend it to everyone. If I Stay - Gayle Forman

aooooo, too hot!
Have a nice week people, now I'm going to sit down with If I Stay and a cup of hot chocolate!


  1. hot chocolate! nam. forresten, om du bruker photo booth på mac med de bildene der, så kan du speilvende bildene ved å trykke ctrl+f! puss


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