

I understand that when you've got a boyfriend/girlfriend you really care about the person. Single people look at couples wishing they had a special fella all to themselves. You see them joking and making lame comments to each other "Bowwiidowwiii yiouu luuk zoo cuutiee!" (couples like that makes me puke though). You look at them and see two people that truly cares and worries for the other happiness. They think, and sometimes talk, non-stop about the other person.

But does a relationship mean to only talk about that person. Does it mean to forget yourself and only think about the other needs instead of your own? Is it right to do so? Won't you get exhausted in the end, feeling as though you gave and gave and gave, but never received anything in return? Might that be the reason why there're loads of people breaking up before it even began?

Don't get me wrong, I am overdoing it now. But think about all those couples that never survived. If couples try to think as TWO people in a relationship instead of one, they might have a shot? If something isn't right for you, but the other person really wants to - you could tell him/her about it. Then you wouldn't burst over and end up heart broken. 

Or maybe relationships really are about the other person. Is it loving the other person instead of yourself?

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