

Sometimes you have to breathe.
Sometimes you have to take a step back.
Sometimes it's good to forget,
sometimes it's good to remember.

Sometimes it's good to be alone,
sometimes it's best to be more.
Sometimes you have to say 'stop'.
Sometimes it would be nice with a remote-control to life,
sometimes it's good with commercial break.

Sometimes you feel alone,
sometimes you feel crowded.
Sometimes it's time to lock yourself up a little while,
and sometimes it's good to cry a little.

Sometimes it's good not being called up,
sometimes you just want to be alone.
Sometimes the best company is yourself,
sometimes it's good to have Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda there.

Sometimes you have to breathe,
sometimes you have to think.
Sometimes we all need a break - sometimes it's important to know you're not alone.

Sometimes I wish Miranda would read this, and understand.


When I say jump

Every day, all day - every where at any time there are humans fighting for the power. We, such as animals, have different ways to get to the power. We all either want to be the leader, or follow the leader. 

People who seek for the leader-role, I think, is the sort of the person who talks loudly and isn't afraid of a little quarrel. They want attention, and they need to feel the feeling of being needed and important. People who follow, are often shy and needs a spokesperson. They need someone they can hide behind, or support. 

Relationships are the same. They often have one leader. The leader decides most things. Both might not notice it, but it's there. If the leader doesn't want to see a movie, but stay in and have chinese take-out - the follower, well.. follows. The leader might say that the relationship is build up on equal decisions, but eventually the follower will feel less and less heard. The follower might start resent the leader, and start sulking or whine about other things because of the lack of attention to his/hers life. 

BUT, then again there're relationships were they actually manage to agree about different things. They might agree that in some areas one of them are better to lead than the other person. You never know, every person and couple is different. But, what do you think about it being a leader and a follower in some/most relationships? Do you agree, or do you believe that it there're more relationships were the decisions are made equally?



Yesterday was great! I went on the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I had waited for it for months, and finally I got to see it! I LOVED IT.
I promise I'll write some better posts later!



just wanted to tell you that I have a life and I'm busy. Well, actually I don't have a life. Just loads of homework. Talk to you when my life isn't filled with homework.

Later losers!



Hey guys,
just taking a quick break from the german studying. It was really all very easy, sort of. Just need to repeat it a LOT before I go to bed. 

Today I've had loads of time to listen to music while I'm studying, and one thing I've figured out is that I absolutely love Glee-music. I love the feel-good  music, and all singers are really talented! I bought the first season this summer, and think I'll buy some more. I'm a GLEEK - are you one?


Learning a new language

Right now I'm trying to learn german - we've got a big test on Tuesday. I hate german class, but you gotta do what you gotta do!

What foreign language do you have at your school?


Mary-Kate Olsen

I think Mary-Kate Olsen style is flawless! She's sooo gorgeous - it would be a dream come true to have her closet. 
Her clothes can go from boheme-looking to looking like a million dollars. I lover her braid in the picture above, and her round hippie-glasses! Both Olsen-twins look great, but I think I'd pick Mary-Kate over Ashley, what about you?

My funny valentine

I'm going to do a little different blogpost today. Reasons: 1. I'm short on time and don't really have time for something else. 2. I want to see what you think/feel/know! 3. I have absolutely no clue about this whatsoever. 

What do you think falling in love feels like? I've never been truly in love - so I haven't got a clue. What do you think a boy will have to do to make you fall in love? Let me know how you feel about this.

(Do you want me to put more music on the blog? Did you like this sort of blogpost?)


Top 3

You guys wanted me to post who I think are the hottest guys ever. Uhm, there're a lot of Hollywood-hotties if you haven't noticed. Here's my top three list!
I'll have a club sandwich with Taylor Lautner, please.

What's you top three? 


Over analyzzzzing

If there's one thing every girl have in common it would be over analyzing mostly everything we hear/see. Every time a girl talks to a guy she kinda likes, or sometimes just whenever- she will pull out small sentences or small things she sees him do. Maybe a certain way he says something, or asks her about. Then, approximately five minutes after they part she'll call her best friend. 
"What do you think he meant by that? Like, he couldn't just mean anything - he was trying to tell me something right?" Girls all over the world will loose sleep because of these questions. And as if it wasn't worse that we alone can manage to go crazy with question, we always have a couple of friends who gladly ask some more. Even my blog is all about over analyzing!

I can only imagine how scared boys might be just listening to a conversation between two best friends. I often catch myself thinking "do guys think like us?". Sometimes I go crazy when I listen to other peoples conversations - oh my god he clearly doesn't want you to talk to him! Would it be as easy to tell that to my best friend? Would I sit next to her and say "Don't worry about it hunny, he obviously want you. He did ask you what you were doing this weekend!"

Now we have to ask ourselves - is it healthy the way we think and analyze every thing people say? Are we ruining our own possibilities for a relationships by over analyzing something?


Four girls and a red apple

For six faboulus seasons they've led us through shoes, shopping, cosmopolitans, parties and of course a big load of men. I'm talking about Sex and The City.

Ahh... me loves!


Head or Heart?

In everyday life we all have to take decisions. Some decisions are more practical, and you can figure it out logically. We mostly use our heads when we have to make a choice. But, what's smartest to use in more personal matters?

Would it be easier if everyone used our heads instead of our hearts to answer questions? Like, wether or not to forgive and forget, or deciding to talk to your ex after a bad break-up. What's right? How is it best to proceed when taking a diffiicult choice?

In these matters you can't calculate your way to the answers. You may do the classic pro's and con's list, but in the very end you can't make a decision based upon a list. Especially when there're so many feelings involved from the beginning.

Is it a gift or a burden to be able to decide with both heart and head? And what do you believe you decide mostly with?

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