
Head or Heart?

In everyday life we all have to take decisions. Some decisions are more practical, and you can figure it out logically. We mostly use our heads when we have to make a choice. But, what's smartest to use in more personal matters?

Would it be easier if everyone used our heads instead of our hearts to answer questions? Like, wether or not to forgive and forget, or deciding to talk to your ex after a bad break-up. What's right? How is it best to proceed when taking a diffiicult choice?

In these matters you can't calculate your way to the answers. You may do the classic pro's and con's list, but in the very end you can't make a decision based upon a list. Especially when there're so many feelings involved from the beginning.

Is it a gift or a burden to be able to decide with both heart and head? And what do you believe you decide mostly with?

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