
Extended Valentine's

It's seddled. Yesterday, as I am sure you remembered, it was Valentine's Day. Because I don't have any Valentine, I decided to do Valentine's Day the awesome way. I was supposed to be nice, honest, kind and all that. It was forbidden to be sarcastic, bitchy (me? bitchy?), ironic or in any way make fun of any one. It was hard, and I forgot. So, to make it up I'm extending Valentine's Day to Valentine's WEEK. Yeah, I did. 

All week, I will try my very best, to be as nice and sincere to everyone. If I get a comment from someone, I shall raise above. I think I really need this, because I have a seriouse diagnose called sarcasmoholik. It isn't widely known, and they try to stop it before it get's spread around. So, please people - remember to wash your hands.

Anyways, I hope you join me in the extended Valentine's Week. Who said Valentine's only counted for lovers?


  1. I know it's so stupid that ppl think valentines only count for couples!!!

  2. herlighet, du skrive sykt bra :-) nesten liga kreative som meg! hihi nei eg bler sje med på å kutta ut sarkasme, d går sje


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